Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Weekend Windup

Weekend Windup

This is an informal group dedicated to helping participants share their plans for the weekend. Many relapses can come out of boredom and being complacent. This group allows for people to share their plans and ideas for the weekend, coordinate with one another, and set themselves up for success. Not making a plan, is planning to fail. The Weekend Windup allows participants to plan their week in a healthy, group setting.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Sober Saturday Night

Sober Saturday Night

This group/event is dedicated to having an alternative to the "party scene". Many people believe that recovery has to be lame and boring. Life Align is showing the community that we can have fun in recovery. Every Saturday night we eat together, play games, watch sports, and plan future events. Families are encouraged to come with participants and share in the fun.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Tasty Tuesday

Tasty Tuesday

Tasty Tuesday is an open group/event where we eat together as a family. Life Align serves a meal, and we have a check in with one another. The room is always filled with laughter and joy. This is an opportunity to develop healthy relationships and build community in order to build a strong recovery foundation. Kids are also welcome to come to Tasty Tuesday.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event Dream Catchers

Dream Catchers

This is a process group where participants can grow their dreams and visions. People get to make vision boards, build recovery plans, and coordinate with recovery coaches and mentors. We all have dreams for our lives, Dream Catchers is an opportunity to help plan to make those dreams a reality.

Recurring Event Check In

Check In

Every day at 2:00 p.m. Life Align has a group that allows participants to share what is going on in their lives. This is an informal opportunity for people to ask for advice, share in their struggle, and connect with recovery coaches. The Check In shows participants that they are not alone in the journey and many other people understand the process. “The opposite of addiction is connection, isolation leads back to addiction”. We are much stronger together.

Recurring Event SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery stands for Self Management and Recovery Training. The SMART method takes a behavior and thought management approach to recovery. Using non-confrontational motivational methods to help participants understand the connection between their thinking and their actions.

2508 Glade St.Muskegon Heights, MI 49444

Life Align, INC© 2024 All rights reserved.

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